

There is a really imposing fear that comes over oneself when approaching the margins of what they consider to be rational. Not hypothetically, mind you, but really. No, I'm serious. Look, in my line of work I get some pretty strange calls. Loonies mostly, lonely types who will profess anything to anybody who will listen. Most calls are a complete waste of time and should be turned away immediately. I mean, you get a lot of B.S. And, believe you me, having been at this for so long, well, I know B.S. when I smell it. But, anyway, it is not my job to refuse calls or pass judgement, only to document concerns (i.e. complaints) and forward them to the city. Afterwards, it is up to them to take them, leave 'em, trash 'em or whatever.

But one night, a few minutes before clock-out time, I received a call from a resident at some men's shelter in the North End, apparently in distress. At the time, I was sure someone was playing some kind of a joke or outside their mind. Now, I'm not so certain, they were.

So, they called in stressing they needed some kind of immediate intervention. Of course, I reminded them to hang up and phone 9-1-1. Fellow on the phone says they had, police just laughed them off. Well, I had no real say in the matter, but only told 'em I could document whatever they wish to say. The following is the report, take it or leave it, it's up to you.
The caller is concerned due to an unknown individual causing harm to residents, damage to residential buildings, and destruction to property. On October 17, 2024, at approximately 11:45 a.m., along W. 28th St., an individual (name unknown) walked down shouting within earshot of residents. The caller observed the individual through the rear window of a men's shelter. The caller notes that another shelter resident (name unknown) yelled at the individual to keep quiet as residents were attempting to rest. The caller then observed the individual uplift a transformer box from the ground cutting power to the shelter and surrounding buildings. The individual then "threw" the transformer box in the direction of the shelter resident. The transformer box struck both the shelter and the shelter resident.

Moreover, the caller stresses that the distance between the individual and the shelter was approximately twenty-five feet. The caller estimates the weight of the transformer box to be approximately three-thousand pounds. The force of contact caused heavy damage to the shelter window and wall. The caller is uncertain as to the whereabouts of the aforementioned resident nor what harm he sustained. After the incident, the caller remained still and "kept quiet." Before leaving, the individual made a loud noise similar to a "howl or whistle." The caller stresses the noise caused pain to the caller's ears. The individual "leapt" away from the scene on October 18, 2024, at approximately 12:15 a.m. . The caller did not observe the individual afterwards. At approximately 1:15 a.m., a loud crashing noise was heard. The caller is uncertain whether this was related to the individual.

Furthermore, the caller notes that the individual was a male, ethnicity unknown, with an "auburn" complexion approximately 6' 10" tall. The caller is uncertain as to the individual's age. The caller notes the individual had a muscular build with long hair and "yellow eyes." The individual had an unkempt beard, mustache, and heavy sideburns with "thick, bristling, body hair." The caller reports the individual was "neither beast nor man."

Overall, the caller is deeply troubled by the individual's behavior. The caller wishes for the City of Charlotte to take immediate steps to resolve this matter.

Additionally, the caller contacted law enforcement. The caller does believe someone may be in immediate physical danger at this moment.

And, that was that. I finished the report with a concerned tone but a sarcastic smirk across my face. All I could think was, "Wait 'till they get a hold of this."

Flash forward to the next day, I wake up, shower, eat, hop in my car to run some errands before having to do the whole thing over again.

But then, then I hear something oddly familiar over the radio. Something that gave me a cold feeling in the center of my chest. It seems there was some kind of ruckus the other night. Radio says it was some kind of freak electrical explosion that took out a pad-mounted transformer in the area of W. 28th. A resident in the men's shelter was killed and two others wounded in the "blast," as they put it. They went on to say that claw-like marks were found on posts near the scene. Authorities were speculating that some large animal, probably a coyote or some other beast, may have chewed wires igniting something combustible, as to what was a good question. Some "eye-witnesses" suggested that perhaps a propane tank had fallen off a truck. No remains of any such tank had been recovered, though there had been an upturned truck not far from the scene, the driver having been crushed. The radio host then went on to speculate that a tank might have rolled off the truck then into the transformer causing the "explosion," but it was hard to tell whether even he believed it.

As for me, man, I don't what to believe. But I tell you this. It's like I said, "I know B.S. when I smell it."

